Mckeyhan Presents


Cancer / la carne es débil

Lo importante no es la especulación en la vida, no es el pensar que somos inmortales.

Lo mas importante es vivir el momento, siempre orgulloso de ser quien eres. Siempre con los obejtivos claros, debemos olvidarnos un tanto de nuestra conciencia.

No estar atado a cosas esturgaras.

No tengo mas objetivos en la vida que estar aqui comiendo mierda para estos cerdos
" job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off, while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble hell." Lester Burham excerpt from American Beauty

"That's the real point here. That's what I'm driving for,
when the big storm comes and knocks down all the forests and the rocks
fall down and the leave's are bare. What's left? The little trees, the
little fellas that the storm didn't see. The tiny little..." Very Bad Things

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